Escape from Alcatraz

We boarded the boat this morning at 10:30am and headed across the pay to Alcatraz, although it was like a mill pond, Mrs B does not do boats so stayed firmly placed in her seat, the kids were none too sure either.

It was therefore left to Mr B to explore the boat and take the following photo's (are you impressed hodge?)

Bay Bridge:

San Francisco:


Here is Lance Corporal Beaney,just back from Afganistan!

Alcatrax Prison, it is still unknown if anyone ever escaped, 3 people attempted to escape by trying to swim off the island in a raft made from raincoats, the following morning torn up raincoats were seen floating out to sea, the 3 people were never seen again.

Many people have said I should have been locked up years ago!

One of the things that was so cruel about Alcatraz was that it was so close to San Francisco that the inmates could see what they were missing. This is the view from the Recreation Yard, prisoners would get up to 3 hours on a weekend to spend outside, depending upon priveleges. Depending upon the direction of the wind they could often here late night parties, people laughing and singing coming across the bay.

A typical cell:

One attempted escape was carried out by creating concrete pretend heads to put in the beds of prisoners, whilst the real prisoners dug tunnels behind the air vents. These concrete heads even had real hair glued onto them. I think Hodge could use a similar method and create a concrete model of someone asleep at his desk and then go on permanent billy time.

San Francisco

Howdy Partners, we have hit the big city. Sat Nav's are wonderful things they directedme straight to the door of the Marriot Hotel where we are staying. I was a bit daunted about driving in the city, as you can see from below the views were amazing, but so too was the traffic, all six lanes of it.

We asked for a high level room and are up on the 28th floor, this is the view from our bedroom window.

Tonight we headed out for chinatown and I foolishly thought that been in the heart of the city I would be safe from bear attacks! How wrong I was, just on the corner of 4th and Market Street this great big brown fellow grabbed me. After a mammoth struggle I grappled it to the ground and told him to come back with his mates and meet me in Yosemite, and that I was hard, came from Silky and had pidgeons, ya kna!

This morning we headed for Fishermans Wharf and took a cable car to get there. It was quite full so we had to hang onto the outside. Does this count as a roller coaster ride?

Mrs B and Samantha looking very scared, riding the cable car!

It is a great way to see the city, often at very close quarters!! The hills are quite steep and I am thinking about next years bike trip - you have been warned!

Where there is an up there is a down - look at this down hiller coming up. Heed down, arse up, weeee!

Lunch today was on Pier 39, here are some family shots:

A four person long arm shot taken by Samantha!

We then went to a shop called seasons, which sold items to do with Christmas, Easter and we really liked these for Halloween.

I am kind of worried what "The Rust" has been doing in his spare time though??