Hit the road

Hi all (mam and dad, mainly), just to let you know we are safe and well and today left Vegas in the BIG RV truck, it is excellent, almost brand new, only has 9000 miles on the clock.

We arrived quite late tonight at Pahrump, on the edge of Death Valley and would you believe it is raining.  It is still quite warm though and as soon as the rains stops the ground dries up again.  We are quite happy with the rain as it makes it slightly cooler.  It has been regularly around 100 degrees whilst in vegas.  I will spend some time tomorrow to upload some photos for you to see.  I hope you are getting these updates, if so post a comment back and then I know you are getting them.  You can add a comment by clicking on the "no comments" link at the bottom of each post.

We are off to furnace creek tomorrow and will update you from there.

Kids in Space

Yesterday we took the kids to the top of the Stratosphere Hotel and whilst on top they went on the ride below.

The ride is called Insanity, and it is well named! You are on the 109 floor, basically on the hotel roof and this ride dangles you over the edge and then spins you around. Sheer madness!

Later last night we went to the Venetian Hotel, where there is a gondola ride inside.

The sky that you can see is actually false.

Beaney's travel in style

Last night we headed down to Fremont Street in some style.

First time most of us have travelled in a limo!

Viva Las Vegas

We have arrived safely in Las Vegas, it is hot, hot hot, 100 degrees today and only dropping to 75 degrees during the night. Air conditioning is essential out here!

Last night we went to the Rainforest Cafe in MGM for tea and had a good night .

Afterwards we went to see the Belagio fountains.

It is quite loud when the water shoots up into the air.

If you are going to San Francisco

Be sure to wear a flower In your hair!

Friday 8th August - This city needs no introduction, you can simply tell by the pictures where you are.

We had a great time there, w e have been to the Academy of Sciences, basically a big planetarium, a ferry ride around the bay, the exploratorium, we rode across the Golden Gate Bridge.


Saturday 10th August -We are in Pleasanton now with my Aunt, it is a bit rural here so we have had to come to Starbucks to get a wifi connection.  Later we are heading to the farmers market and then heading to Sweet Tomatoes for tea.  Samantha loves it there because it has an eat as much as you like salad bar!


Tuesday 6th August - today we are in Monterey, a small fishing harbour about 100 miles south of San Francisco.  It is renowned for having loads of butterflies (we did not see that many) and we came across this house.

We reckon it makes the houses in Pennywell who still have their Christmas lights up in June look like complete ameteurs!

In our last night in Monterey, we ate at Bubba Gumps, the girls thought it would be funny to tell the waiter that it was my birthday (well it nearly was). So after we finished eating the whole staff of the restaurant encircled our table and sang this wacky happy birthday song.  Even I was embarrassed.

Victoria thought it was very funny!