Santa Barbara

Sunday 28th July - Hi folks, Yesterday, we did the touristy trip around L A looking at all the stars homes, their are some palaces, It is a lot like Witherwack :-) we also went too downtown Hollywood to the Chinese theatre and the walk of fame.  On one of the pictures below you can see the Hollywood sign.

Some silly sod has gone and messed up the concrete paving - bloody yobbo!

We then drove up the coast to Santa Barbara, it looks a lovely place and we are going to explore it today. Our hotel is lovely too, we have gone from having a Ron on the 19th floor in LA to a room on the ground floor overlooking the swimming pool (see below)

At night we headed into town and went along the wooden pier, from the end we could see dolphins jumping in and out of the water. We ate fish and chips and watched the sun go down before evading back to the hotel.