Its card enuf fa snaw!

On the way into the park, you need to pay a fee to enter and get greeted by a Park Ranger, our Park Ranger was so neat and typical that we asked if we could take a picture of him.

Here it is, our first sighting of a "Queens Park Ranger"

All he needed was a banjo and I would have squeeled like a pig!

Well would you adam and eve it! We had our first real night sleeping in the RV in a campground tonight, and it turned into quite an adventure!

Firstly, when we arrived at the campsite we realised that it was 8,600ft above sea level. Me doing my English - American converstion worked out that was like parking your RV on a mountain 3 times the height of Skiddaw!

Secondly, a freak cold front had moved in and they were expecting low temperatures!

However, we are "Beaneys" and are made of harder stuff (so we thought).

We settled down and cooked a meal and then headed up to the campfire, with the ranger, it was cool.

We were well wrapped up though because it was quite cold!

During the night it was freezing with temperatures getting as low as 22f, yes again doing a quick conversion is minus a few! Here is a picture of Victoria, wrapped in as many blankets as she could find!

In the morning we could not wait to wake up and get the gas rings going in the RV to warm the place up, we were awake at about 7:30am and Julieann fired up some bacon sarnies - Mmmm!

We then thought we would try to get warm by going for a hike, we headed off through the woods and it started to snow! (I kid you not), not much mind, but it was definately white stuff.

Today the temperatures are due to increase and we are heading down the valley so it should be a bit warmer. The road down the valley is fantastic and we took hundreds of photo's again, here are a few of the highlights:

Look at this, i said that driving a 25ft long, 13ft high and 10ft wide truck was challenging, I have to make it fit through this hole!

A few more pictures

This picture is taken from the Passenger side window, whilst moving, it shows how close to the edge of the road the RV is and how criticalit is that you are on the right side of that edge!

With the overcast cloud this could easily be the view in the Keswick of Derwentwater with Catbells in the background.

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