Yosemite - a picture postcard

On the 27th August, we left my Aunt's and headed for Yosemite, we had hastily booked our RV into a campground called Tuolhulme Meadows. The journey there was quite spectacular and as we know now was just whetting our appetite. I will pick out a few of our best photo's of the route:

As you can see Julieann and Victoria, playing switch along the route and a couple of buds being drunk along the way!

Bugger me! look at the size of that sweetcorn - Almost as big as "Bean Pot Dens"

The High Sierra Plains...

Getting closer:

Get on your horse and drink your milk! (more of that to come shortly!)

At last we reach civilisation and a little Pioneer Village, probably been here since the gold rush.

In all it took about 5 hours to get to Yosemite, however the views were fantastic. Although driving the RV was a bit challenging as the roads are very narrow and winding. You really need to keep your eyes on the road as they say!

Now we are in bear country, we did see a small one along the road on the way into the park, but did not manage to get a photograph of it.

We have now taken over 2000 photographs, my Dad will never be short of a picture to paint ever again!

We then needed to do a small detour as the road we were following had been buried during a recent landslide, if you look carefully you can see in this next photo where the road used to be!

1 comment:

  1. Did someone mention painting?? We never knew you were 'good with colours' Mr B

    Lovely pictures - isn't it a beautiful place.
