Body boarding

Thursday 1st August - today we went shopping at Pismo shopping outlet, whilst we waited for the sun to burn through the sea mist. Afterwards e walked along the beach towards the centre of Pismo Beach. Samantha and I thought it would be a good idea to try body boarding (surfing without standing up). We bought a pair of body boards on the sea front and headed into the sea. It was cold at first but then we got used to it. We waded out to about waist deep and at he sight of a big wave we turned and faced the shore and jumped onto our boards. It was fantastic, Samantha and I both surfed the wave all of the way to the shore, in fact I grounded much like a beached whale!

It was of course beginners look at it became more difficult after then, but it was great fun.  We are going to try again tomorrow and I will try to get some photos. 

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