"Beaneys - The Movie"

Hi All, not sure you will be able to see this but my youngest child, and you know who she is decided it would be fun to video some of the drive down the valley and into Yosemite. She obviously gets bored part way through and does some amateur dramatics. Quite funny if you can see it!

Its card enuf fa snaw!

On the way into the park, you need to pay a fee to enter and get greeted by a Park Ranger, our Park Ranger was so neat and typical that we asked if we could take a picture of him.

Here it is, our first sighting of a "Queens Park Ranger"

All he needed was a banjo and I would have squeeled like a pig!

Well would you adam and eve it! We had our first real night sleeping in the RV in a campground tonight, and it turned into quite an adventure!

Firstly, when we arrived at the campsite we realised that it was 8,600ft above sea level. Me doing my English - American converstion worked out that was like parking your RV on a mountain 3 times the height of Skiddaw!

Secondly, a freak cold front had moved in and they were expecting low temperatures!

However, we are "Beaneys" and are made of harder stuff (so we thought).

We settled down and cooked a meal and then headed up to the campfire, with the ranger, it was cool.

We were well wrapped up though because it was quite cold!

During the night it was freezing with temperatures getting as low as 22f, yes again doing a quick conversion is minus a few! Here is a picture of Victoria, wrapped in as many blankets as she could find!

In the morning we could not wait to wake up and get the gas rings going in the RV to warm the place up, we were awake at about 7:30am and Julieann fired up some bacon sarnies - Mmmm!

We then thought we would try to get warm by going for a hike, we headed off through the woods and it started to snow! (I kid you not), not much mind, but it was definately white stuff.

Today the temperatures are due to increase and we are heading down the valley so it should be a bit warmer. The road down the valley is fantastic and we took hundreds of photo's again, here are a few of the highlights:

Look at this, i said that driving a 25ft long, 13ft high and 10ft wide truck was challenging, I have to make it fit through this hole!

A few more pictures

This picture is taken from the Passenger side window, whilst moving, it shows how close to the edge of the road the RV is and how criticalit is that you are on the right side of that edge!

With the overcast cloud this could easily be the view in the Keswick of Derwentwater with Catbells in the background.

Yosemite and beyond......

Sorry guys I am going to bed now, we have several days of blog to catch up on.

including, 3 days in Yosemite (outstanding scenary)!

and today we are part way to Death Valley, that means that Paul has survived the bear but wait, there are rattlesnakes in that there valley!

More soon, if not tomorrow, then when we arrive in Las Vegas on Thursday.

p.s. I have been out of contact with the world for about 4 days, and today when I looked up the football scores and went onto the BBC/football page I was jumping around like a whirling dervish when not only did I read that we had beaten Man City but, also that we had beaten our own transfer record and signed Gyan for £13m. Carlsberg dont do web pages but.......

Yosemite - a picture postcard

On the 27th August, we left my Aunt's and headed for Yosemite, we had hastily booked our RV into a campground called Tuolhulme Meadows. The journey there was quite spectacular and as we know now was just whetting our appetite. I will pick out a few of our best photo's of the route:

As you can see Julieann and Victoria, playing switch along the route and a couple of buds being drunk along the way!

Bugger me! look at the size of that sweetcorn - Almost as big as "Bean Pot Dens"

The High Sierra Plains...

Getting closer:

Get on your horse and drink your milk! (more of that to come shortly!)

At last we reach civilisation and a little Pioneer Village, probably been here since the gold rush.

In all it took about 5 hours to get to Yosemite, however the views were fantastic. Although driving the RV was a bit challenging as the roads are very narrow and winding. You really need to keep your eyes on the road as they say!

Now we are in bear country, we did see a small one along the road on the way into the park, but did not manage to get a photograph of it.

We have now taken over 2000 photographs, my Dad will never be short of a picture to paint ever again!

We then needed to do a small detour as the road we were following had been buried during a recent landslide, if you look carefully you can see in this next photo where the road used to be!

Aunt Margarets

After several days on the road eating out in fancy restaurants and sleeping in hotels there is nothing better than some home comforts and some home cooking. That is exactly what we got on arriving at my Aunts, this is what home comforts are all about!

Pleasanton is quaint little town, which we had a short drive too and had coffee and milkshakes, whilst sitting outside in the sun.

Here now is a couple of pictures for "Mad Margaret", my other aunt. Yes, you might have gathered by now madness runs in the family. This first picture is of "California Margaret's" local golf course. I know that Carradale is sweet, but it hasnt rained in Pleasanton since May and it is now September!

The next picture is of a little bit of Carradale alive and well and growing in California, it is a primula, smuggled through customs and planted, although it struggled at first it is now recovering. We will keep you posted.

Here is one for the family a picture of me and my aunt. Tonight we went to a "soup and salad bar", which was eat as much as you could. Samantha (part-rabbit) was in her element and munched so much salad that she did not have a desert.

Here are a couple of good family shots:

And now to start your day with a waffle, can you tell me what this bird is, and how big it is?

Amateur Photograher Samantha, took this photo!


Sorry we have not 'blogged' for a few days we have been in Pleasanton (staying with my aunty) and then in Yosemite, neither had an internet connection. However to make up for it here is a mega blog.

On the 26th, we had a bit of a disasterous day, it was the day we were due to pick up the RV. We thought we were picking it up from Downtown San Francisco but eventually ended up having to travel about 40 miles across the city to a place called 'Dublin' and it cost us $120. However every dark cloud has a silver lining and it was not until we were in the Taxi heading for Dublin that we realised the Dublin was right next door to a town called Pleasanton, which my Aunt Margaret lives. So we decided to simply pick up the RV and move our plans forward a day and stay at my Aunts for a couple of days.

Here is a picture of "our RV home for the next couple of days"


Here is a couple of pictures of "The Real Beast"

and another with Samantha, looking like "a proper camper"

This is what "The Beast" looks like inside.

Escape from Alcatraz

We boarded the boat this morning at 10:30am and headed across the pay to Alcatraz, although it was like a mill pond, Mrs B does not do boats so stayed firmly placed in her seat, the kids were none too sure either.

It was therefore left to Mr B to explore the boat and take the following photo's (are you impressed hodge?)

Bay Bridge:

San Francisco:


Here is Lance Corporal Beaney,just back from Afganistan!

Alcatrax Prison, it is still unknown if anyone ever escaped, 3 people attempted to escape by trying to swim off the island in a raft made from raincoats, the following morning torn up raincoats were seen floating out to sea, the 3 people were never seen again.

Many people have said I should have been locked up years ago!

One of the things that was so cruel about Alcatraz was that it was so close to San Francisco that the inmates could see what they were missing. This is the view from the Recreation Yard, prisoners would get up to 3 hours on a weekend to spend outside, depending upon priveleges. Depending upon the direction of the wind they could often here late night parties, people laughing and singing coming across the bay.

A typical cell:

One attempted escape was carried out by creating concrete pretend heads to put in the beds of prisoners, whilst the real prisoners dug tunnels behind the air vents. These concrete heads even had real hair glued onto them. I think Hodge could use a similar method and create a concrete model of someone asleep at his desk and then go on permanent billy time.